Crime Check Foundation, CCF has been on the mission of rescuing poor families and individuals from starvation through the benevolent donations of donors during the lockdown. The donations have been life-saving as many were indeed famished.
Through one of its flagship projects, the Street Charity Series, CCF have given solace to widows and hope to destitute men who struggle to make life better for their families.
The donations have been life changing for many as in the case of 56 year old poor cobbler, Opani Sarfo and widow Angela.
Opani Sarfo met his lucky star one day during the lockdown period whiles he was in his almost empty wooden kiosk brooding on how to make at least Five Ghana Cedis to feed his family for the day. CCF upon listening to his sad story gave him an initial amount of One Thousand Ghana Cedis and some food items. Subsequently, the Foundation surprised him with Seventeen Thousand Ghana Cedis.

The mother of four, poor Angela before the donation said her existence was dependent on her Hundred Ghana Cedis business capital which a neighbor gifted her. She said an initial Five Hundred Ghana Cedis donation brought much relief to her. CCF in a follow-up on her startled the widow with Twenty-One Thousand Ghana Cedis.

Other beneficiaries include 78 year old Mary, who used to survive on the sales of empty water sachet which she picks on the street and physically challenged Charity who live in a rusty container store with her children.

The Foundation also supported talented but physically challenged Rose who was contemplating to accept trading in sex in order to pursue her music career, and mother of three, Samira who was rescued from sleeping on the streets after she was ejected from her rented house during the critical moment of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Thanks to the Executive Director of Crime Check Foundation, CCF Mr. Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng donors of the Foundation, CCF have been able to restore hope to the oppressed beneficiaries.