Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia on Wednesday paid a working visit to the fire ravaged Kantamanto Market, describing the incident as a “human tragedy” that required urgent attention. He said 2,592 traders were directly affected and had lost their livelihoods and capital investments.
Therefore, he has arranged a meeting with the leadership of the market in his office on Friday, December 20, 2020, to discuss the way forward and provide humanitarian and business support to the affected traders, and also reconstruct the market.
The Vice President said the National Security and Ghana National Fire Service would soon launch an investigation into the cause of the fire outbreak.
Meanwhile, some affected traders told the media that they suspected an arson because some people allegedly announced before the 2020 Election that they would burn the market.
They claimed that most of the second hand cloth dealers at the Kantamanto market were sympathizers of the ruling NPP government, hence the arson attack was intended to avenge the defeat of the opposition NDC.
The fire is said to have started at 2200 hours on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
Vice Present Bawumia was accompanied by the Minister of the Interior, Mr Ambrose Dery, National Security Minister Kan Dapaah, Greater Accra Minister Ishmael Ashitey, NPP Regional Executives and NADMO staff.
Hundreds of stalls at the Odawna Market at Kwame Nkrumah Circle were on fire following an outbreak.
The fire, according to eyewitnesses raged on for hours and left residents of the area and shop owners at the market, also known as the Pedestrian Shopping Mall in shock.
Although the cause of the fire remains unknown, videos showed the fire spreading to other parts of the market.
An eyewitness who spoke to the media accused some market women of being responsible for the spread of the fire.