Prosper Gaduga, is a notorious thief who has been making a living from stealing motorbikes and selling them.
Prosper, an indigene of Sege in Ada confesses to chilling with the proceeds of selling he has been stealing since 2019.
In an interview with, the young man appeared to have found fulfillment in committing the crime. “We steal the bikes from Sege, Dawhenya sometimes making away with three bikes a night and come to Ashaiman to sell them. I chilled with the money; bought drinks and made merry,” he recounted.
The convict who said he never had the privilege of formal education, indicated that he did not know that stealing was a criminal act. He said he thought prison was meant for only those who steal with arms.
Prosper, before he would realize that stealing could land him in prison, had been sentenced to 32 months imprisonment at the James Camp Prison.
“I thought if somebody has to go to prison then you have to use a gun to steal. I didn’t know merely taking people’s items was criminal,” he said.