45year old Akua Georgina, a mother of two children who lives at sakaman in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana tells crimecheckghana that she extremely suffers to take care of her children.
According to Akua, she used to sell clothes and eggs to cater for the family. “My husband never paid anything towards the upkeep of the family though he takes salary as a worker. I singlehandedly took care of the family till he suddenly moved out of the house without my notice. I lost my capital for trading because I spent all income on the children’s wellbeing.”
She said she left the father of her first child because he was a drunkard and later moved in with another man with whom she child. According to her, the man also used to beat him mercilessly. “This man maltreated and hit my head against a wall which caused a fracture in my brain. According to my doctor, my right eye and brain are seriously affected. I sometimes feel like killing myself.” Akua said.
Akua further disclosed that she feels depressed and alienated by her current condition. “I was once rich and I was generous to people but now, I cannot even afford washing powder to wash my clothes. I have been arrested on several occasions because I owe a lot of people”. She said with tears.
When our reporter spoke to Daniella, the 9year old daughter of Akua, she said her younger brother and herself have not been to school for the past five months because her mother cannot pay their school fees. “I always encourage my mother to stop crying and that God will surely provide. I also pray we get somewhere to stay since our rent is due and there is no money. She said.
Akua Georgina called for public support, “I am pleading with Ghanaians to come to my aid. Life is very difficult for us and we have no one to turn to for help”.
The Crime Check Foundation Charity Project aims at seeking support for widows, orphans, the poor and the vulnerable in society who find it difficult to make ends meet.